Majorityrights News > Category: Blacks & Black Behaviour

New technology facilitates composite sketch of Christine Franke’s black murderer

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 24 October 2016 09:10.

CFF, “New technology uncovers lead in UCF student’s cold case”, 21 Oct. 2016:

On Oct. 21, 2001, UCF student Christine Franke was murdered.

On the day she died, the 25-year-old education major worked a shift at Cigarz bar on Universal Citywalk, according to an Orlando Police Department press release. When Franke’s shift ended at 4 a.m., she walked with coworkers to an employee parking lot at Universal.

That was the last time anyone saw Franke alive.

Her body was found the next day in her Colonial Gardens apartment by a friend and neighbor. She had been shot in the head.

After 15 years, the Orlando Police Department was still following every lead but despite their efforts, the case had grown cold — until today.

In a press conference held by OPD today, the fifteenth anniversary of the discovery of Franke’s death, police officials presented a new development in the case: a composite photo of Franke’s killer.

This is the first composite image available to the public. While DNA evidence was found at the crime scene, the killer’s records were not in the FBI’s national DNA database. Homicide detective Mike Moreschi said there have been no witnesses to the murder at the police department’s disposal.

Recently Orlando homicide detective Mike Fields discovered Parabon NanoLabs, a company that produces a detailed profile of someone based on their DNA. Police Chief John Mina said he hoped the profile would be beneficial in solving the case. Moreschi, 48, said the company uses the same science behind, connecting DNA evidence with a person’s ancestral traits, specifically race.


Italy: Migrants Turn Central Milan Into Outpost of Africa

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 20 October 2016 05:22.


What Everyone is Missing About the Wikileaks Podesta Emails

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 18 October 2016 19:39.

ANTIMEDIA, “What Everyone is Missing About the Wikileaks Podesta Emails” -  By Alice Salles 17 Oct 2016:

With WikiLeaks’ massive dump of emails tied to John Podesta, the former Chief of Staff to President Bill Clinton who now serves as Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign chairman, most news outlets focused on Podesta’s link to Mrs. Clinton, the current Democratic presidential candidate. But what few noticed is how Podesta’s emails may help us learn how President Barack Obama may have picked individuals for his top administration positions.

According to the emails published by WikiLeaks, Podesta, a former counselor to President Barack Obama who, in 2008, served as co-chair of Obama’s transition team, received an email on October 6, 2008, from Michael Froman, the current U.S. trade representative. At the time, Froman was a top executive at Citigroup.

Just a month before the election, an email from Froman with the subject “Lists” carried three attachments: A list of “African American, Latino and Asian American candidates, … plus a list of Native American, Arab/Muslim American and Disabled American candidates;” “a similar document on women;” and an outline of 31 cabinet-level positions, how they “might be put together,” and who would fill them.

In the email, Froman reassures Podesta the lists “will continue to grow, … but these are the names to date that seem to be coming up as recommended by various sources for senior level jobs.”

But looking back, it’s clear that at least the cabinet list ended up being the most valuable document, considering that most of the names “scoped out” by Citigroup’s Michael Froman went on to be picked by the Obama administration.

As explained by the New Republic:

“The cabinet list ended up being almost entirely on the money. It correctly identified Eric Holder for the Justice Department, Janet Napolitano for Homeland Security, Robert Gates for Defense, Rahm Emanuel for chief of staff, Peter Orszag for the Office of Management and Budget, Arne Duncan for Education, Eric Shinseki for Veterans Affairs, Kathleen Sebelius for Health and Human Services, Melody Barnes for the Domestic Policy Council, et al.”

While this email was sent on October 6th, the exchanges between Podesta and Froman suggest the lists had been floating around long before that, proving that, as many had long suspected, this was just the tip of the iceberg; we now know executives were pulling the strings long before Obama was even elected.

Up until that point, candidate Obama had advertised himself as an anti-corporatist candidate, promising he would arrive at the White House and rid Washington of the “revolving door curse.” Nevertheless, Obama apparently set his promise aside before he was even elected, allowing a top Citigroup executive to pick the top names of his administration long before said executive joined his transition team.

With more revelations coming from the massive WikiLeaks’ dump, this small footnote seems to be getting little attention from mainstream media. This is, perhaps, because it paints President Obama in a bad light. Regardless, it’s important to note that what many call crony capitalism is alive and well in Washington and that the Democratic candidate from 2008 — much like the Democratic candidate of 2016 — may have promised to stand firm against big corporations and their influence while in office, only to act completely differently behind the curtain.

Yes, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is a disaster. But he’s not that different from Mrs. Clinton.

And as we now know, thanks to WikiLeaks, the old batch of Democratic top leaders and cronies continue to run the show, propping up the same politicians of yesteryear whose promises have already been broken repeatedly and whose policy positions remain flexible, just waiting for the highest bidder. Will we fall for it this time?

Obama and Eric “My People” Holder Launch PAC for ‘Fairer’ Redistricting

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 17 October 2016 16:06.

Breitbart 17 Oct 2016:

“Obama and Eric Holder Launch PAC for ‘Fairer’ Redistricting Maps”

President Barack Obama plans to team up after he leaves office with former Attorney General Eric Holder to launch a new political action committee to press for redistricting reform.

According to Politico, the National Democratic Redistricting Committee was “developed in close consultation with the White House” and that Obama himself has identified with the group.

“American voters deserve fair maps that represent our diverse communities—and we need a coordinated strategy to make that happen,” Holder said in a statement. “This unprecedented new effort will ensure Democrats have a seat at the table to create fairer maps after 2020.”

Democratic leadership in statehouses and congress is being decimated by Obama’s policies. The president routinely complains about gerrymandering, saying that is making things unfair for Democrats across the country.

In August 2015, Obama discussed at length his feelings on a system that he suggested was rigged to favor Republicans.

“I think political gerrymandering has resulted in a situation in which — with 80 percent Democratic districts or 80 percent Republican districts and no competition, that that leads to more and more polarization in Congress, and it gets harder and harder to get things done,” he said during an interview with NPR.

During his State of the Union address in 2016, Obama called for an end of the current boundaries, suggesting that the political map was rigged to favor extreme candidates.

”We have to end the practice of drawing our congressional districts so that politicians can pick their voters and not the other way around,” he said, vowing to “travel the country to push for reforms” to make it easier for people to vote.

All South African Universities Shut

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 16 October 2016 07:17.

TNO, “All SA Universities Shut” 13 Oct 2016:

Ongoing black “student” violence and rioting has shut all South African universities and it is now doubtful that there will be any 2016 graduates this year.

The violence has caused more than R600 million ($44 million) damage to buildings and vehicles so far, and the rioting shows no sign of ending soon.


Black police and black students clash at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.

The University of the Witwatersrand tried to resume lectures on October 10, but had to call classes off once again after police officers and protestors engaged in violent clashes throughout the campus and the streets outside.

The black protesters, whose principle demand is free tuition—despite almost all of them failing their exams—threw rocks at the police, who fired rubber-coated bullets and used tear gas and stun grenades to control the crowds.

Such scenes, when they occurred under the previous white-run government of South Africa, were always given great prominence in the controlled media as evidence of “white racism”—but nowadays the media has largely ignored the events which have had a cataclysmic effect on higher education in the country.

A bus burned by rioting “students” in central Johannesburg..

Even when the violence is covered—such as a recent article in Newsweek—the blame for the unrest is still laughably blamed on “inequalities” resulting from white rule, claiming that the “protests highlight an ingrained frustration at enduring inequalities more than two decades after the end of apartheid.”


Trump’s “anti-global elite”, pro-American proposition nation speech - sandwiching belabored beef

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 14 October 2016 09:44.

Trump’s “anti-global elite speech”

He sandwiches a claim to be challenging the corrupt global elite on behalf of the (propositional) American people around a belabored defense against charges of sexual impropriety.

Besides going on a bit too long in defense against those claims, it is a skillful speech. He does much better than in the first two debates.

Of course he also skillfully bypasses the fact that he is in bed with the YKW and their global plans. While not necessarily a plant, Trump was obviously offered a chance at the presidency if he would take on the Iran deal. Upon his acceptance of that task, they opportunistically put him in front of trends that they can play to their advantage - not dog whistles, but biscuits and bones with even a bit of meat to throw at America’s proposition nation: “anti-globalism and internationalism”.. “the alternative right”..and “exposure of corrupt government” .. now that the Internet has made hiding these issues less possible… with panmixia already well under way anyway, suddenly WN are no longer encouraged to abide their long standing perspective of wryly looking upon the Republicans/Democrats as two sides of the same coin….The YKW have done well to corral WN into a voting block pro-American, anti PC with the “counter” of being anti-discriminatory co-opt White nationalism and defuse it into propositionalism. Some Whites will continue to get richer there - the kind who do not care very much about race and the deteriorating prospects for ethnonationalism - prospects which will deteriorate further with a Trump presidency (no endorsement of Hillary implied).

Hi-low on Catholic Church: Soros tools subversive direction/ Ghanan plunders 4 churches

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 13 October 2016 05:01.

Re-directing the Catholic Church, such that it would allow for birth control would actually be a good thing, of course, particularly if applied against African population explosion. But we know that’s not likely to be the outcome of a Soros directed infiltration.

What is interesting, in a very creepy sense, is the exposure of how Soros acts to infiltrate and direct mass movements in activism against White solidarity.

In these Podesta emails, he is exposed attempting another permutation of what has been a historical pattern of Jewish infiltration into the Catholic Church:

(((George Soros and Sandy Newman))) promoted fake Catholic groups to try and “create a revolution” within the Catholic church -

From Diversity Macht Frei,  12 Oct, 2016:

From the John Podesta emails, here is a fascinating exchange between Podesta and (((Sandy Newman))). To: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) Date: 2012-02-11 11:45 Subject: Re: opening for a Catholic Spring? just musing . . . We created Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good to organize for a moment like this. But I think it lacks the leadership to do so now. Likewise Catholics United. Like most Spring movements, I think this one will have to be bottom up. I’ll discuss with Tara. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend is the other person to consult.

  On 2/10/12, Sandy Newman wrote: > Hi, John,

  > > This whole controversy with the bishops opposing contraceptive coverage even > though 98% of Catholic women (and their conjugal partners) have used > contraception has me thinking . . . There needs to be a Catholic Spring, in > which Catholics themselves demand the end of a middle ages dictatorship and > the beginning of a little democracy and respect for gender equality in the > Catholic church. Is contraceptive coverage an issue around which that could > happen. The Bishops will undoubtedly continue the fight. Does the Catholic > Hospital Association support of the Administration’s new policy, together > with “the 98%” create an opportunity? > > Of course, this idea may just reveal my total lack of understanding of the > Catholic church, the economic power it can bring to bear against nuns and > priests who count on it for their maintenance, etc. Even if the idea isn’t > crazy, I don’t qualify to be involved and I have not thought at all about > how one would “plant the seeds of the revolution,” or who would plant them. > Just wondering . . .

  > > Hoping you’re well, and getting to focus your time in the ways you want. > > Sandy > > Sandy Newman, President > Voices for Progress > 202.669.8754 >

Diversity Macht Frei
, “Italy: African invader destroys four historic churches”, 12 Oct. 2016:

Like a fury, he entered four churches in the historic center of Rome and destroyed ancient statues, crucifixes, candelabras. The damage is incalculable from an artistic point of view. In the end, when he was getting ready to make the fifth incursion, he was arrested by the police. The vandal is a 39-year-old citizen of Ghana with a criminal record, legally residing in Italy.

Deadliest Birthrates to Humanity (part IV): 3rd World Population Overload on Western Civilization

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 12 October 2016 00:17.

Council of European Canadians, “Deadliest Birthrates Affecting All of Humanity, Part IV. Recipient of Third World Population Overload: Western Civilization”, 9 Oct 3016:

The driving force behind mass immigration into Western countries is the bloating populations of the Third World seeking fresh lands to inhabit.

by Frosty Wooldridge,

Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV


No one escapes this human juggernaut. Those added 3 billion people onto this planet within the next 34 years will invade first world countries. Let’s take a look at what that means for the West.

How did the first three parts of this series affect you? Did you understand the enormity of what humanity faces in the next 30 years? How about the rest of the plant and animal life on this planet? What about your children? What about the oceans? What about quality of life?

Are you astounded that the mainstream media suppresses this demographic issue at all costs? Why? Answer: they lack intellectual comprehension that they will not escape its grip on them or their children. Catholics via the Pope, Islam, Hindus, Christians and virtually all religions stand in denial of this demographic juggernaut bearing down on humanity.

Yes, the media reports every consequence of overpopulation as to worldwide hunger, water shortages, species extinctions, wars for resources and catastrophic climate destabilization. But no one, not one world leader addresses or attempts to speak up on what we face.

If I could fulfill my own quest, I would see to it that every human being watch this short video by my friend Roy Beck. In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls, Roy Beck, director of Numbers USA, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation. Take five minutes to see for yourself.

As you can see, no one will escape the ramifications of the next added 3,000,000,000 (billion) people to this globe. No one will escape the implications of adding 138,000,000 (million) more people to America within 34 years. You may expect those consequences to invade your state, your community and your family.

Remember this: third world citizens will not stop their birth rates significantly enough to stop overloading their countries. Therefore, they will contribute to the 3.0 billion added, hungry and desperate refugees looking for a country to land.

In 2016, the United Nations estimates that 60,000,000 (million) refugees lack water, food, energy and homes, and look toward first world countries to immigrate. Their numbers will grow to 150,000,000 to as high as 200,000,000 (million) refugees by 2050 — a scant 34 years from now.

What Western Countries Face with the Refugee Armada

Canada houses 36,000,000 (million) people in 2016. Because of mass immigration, they expect 41.1 million by 2050. To give you an idea of Canada’s dilemma, let’s look at the numbers. We know Canada as a “big” little country. That means it’s “big” but lacks ample arable land to grow crops. While its citizens chose 2.0 birth rates since 1970, its leaders forced massive immigration onto Canada. It faces food shortages, environmental breakdown, accelerating carbon footprint damage, species extinctions and lowered quality of life.

Europe houses 742.5 million people in 2016. It encompasses 3.9 million square miles. Not much bigger than the United States at 3.1 million square miles. The United Kingdom houses 62 million people in a landmass less than the size of Oregon. Oregon features 4.0 million people. Germany at 82 million holds less land than the state of New Mexico. That state holds 1.8 million. The tiny country of France holds 66 million. While Europe faces tremendous overcrowding today, it faces mass immigration overrunning every border of all of its countries from Middle Eastern and African population overload.

Australia holds 24 million in 2016, but expects to reach 38 to 48 million by mid century via mass immigration. It lacks water and arable land, but powerful developer interests force immigration onto that desert continent as if tomorrow never arrives.

In contrast, the USA holds 325 million in a landmass at 3.1 million square miles, but as you saw from the immigration invasion, America expects 438 million by 2050 and 625 million at the end of this century.

This 10 minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

As you can imagine, immigration solves nothing. It stalls the inevitable for every Western country: ultimate collapse from overloading carrying capacity of every receiving country.

Can enough activists be created out of a series like this to create a movement to stop mass immigration into Western countries? Goal: we need a national discussion-debate on the future of our civilization. It’s not going to happen by itself. That discussion-debate begins with you.

I work with top names in this arena who bring even greater knowledge and science:

Dr. Jack Alpert at
Bill Ryerson at
David Paxson at
Joanne Wideman at
Roy Beck at
Dr. Diana Hull at
Eric Rimmer at
David Durham at

Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV

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Historical Re-Evaluation

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Europeans in Africa

Of Note


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Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Sat, 18 May 2024 14:37. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 17 May 2024 22:07. (View)

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Al Ross commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Thu, 16 May 2024 04:10. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Thu, 16 May 2024 03:37. (View)

James Marr commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Tue, 14 May 2024 22:22. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Sun, 12 May 2024 12:25. (View)

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